How To Start A Citizen Advocacy Program

In February 2022, I was invited to participate in a panel discussing how to initiate a Citizen Advocacy Program. I presented an overview of the five phases of launching Do For One NYC and five encouraging thoughts for those keen on initiating a Citizen Advocacy program within their community.

Here's the breakdown of my presentation:

Five Phases Of Our Citizen Advocacy Start-Up in NYC

1. Just an idea phase (2010-2011)

2. Concept and research phase (2012-2015)

3. Implementation phase (2015)

4. Growth and experimentation phase (2016-2018)

5. Refocus and refining phase (2019-2022)

Five Encouraging Thoughts To Those Of You Who Are Thinking About Starting A Citizen Advocacy Program

1. Do the right thing, even if you’re bad at it, and keep working on getting better

2. Work like an ant

3. The right people are your greatest asset

4. Don’t be perfect, be persistent

5. Foster a moral imagination

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