Discovering Your Service Calling
You might sense a pull toward a “service calling.”
In this essay, we’ll explore what it means to discover a service calling—how to recognize it, navigate its challenges, and embrace it with purpose and perseverance. My hope is that this reflection brings you renewed clarity and equips you to walk a well-lit path with greater confidence.

Who Are We Becoming?
This audio is from my talk at the Parlor Talks series held at Hephzibah House on September 11, 2024.

Invitations of Jesus
Everywhere he goes and everyone he interacts with, his invitation ultimately points to the same thing: himself.

God’s Call. Our Response.
When God calls us toward a greater work, we can experience an emotional high but face distractions and discouragements.

How to Surprise the World
Sermon delivered at Lower Manhattan Community Church on March 10, 2024.

Party Etiquette
Uncovering three invaluable tips from Jesus on throwing a party where everyone is welcome. (Luke 14: 7-14, Philippians 2:3-11)

‘Fire Through Dry Grass’ exposes deathmaking and quickens the creative soul
When New York City faced a shortage of hospital beds for treating COVID patients, Mayor De Blasio declared Coler Hospital, a nursing home accommodating over 500 individuals on the north end of Roosevelt Island, to be 'empty.'
Among these overlooked residents are the Reality Poets, a group of disabled artists

How To Start A Citizen Advocacy Program
In February 2022, I was invited to participate in a panel discussing how to initiate a Citizen Advocacy Program. I presented an overview of the five phases of launching Do For One NYC and five encouraging thoughts for those keen on initiating a Citizen Advocacy program within their community.

Your Top Three Responses To "A Voice Of One Calling"
Here are my reflections on your top three responses to “A Voice Of One Calling.”

A Voice Of One Calling
In this article, I offer seven reasons (or seven "signs") we should be talking about disability and the church right now. I hope this article will spark a conversation I am eager to have with you.

10 Bible Verses About Disability
Here are 10 Bible verses (NIV translation), of many, that shape my understanding of ministry with and for people with disabilities.

Valuable Lives In The Shadow Of COVID
When I observe the smearing of facts and the lack of care available at Coler during the COVID-19 crisis, I think of the many faces I know who call Coler their home. We must ask ourselves, “how do we measure the value of a life?”

Members of Each Other
The sermon emphasizes the importance of community and how we need one another, especially the indispensable parts.(1 Corinthians 12:12-27)
Andrew Oliver is the founder and director of Do For One, an innovative organization dedicated to improving the lives of isolated and disabled people through the power of relationships.
email: andrew@doforone.org | read more here